Leatherman multi tools have an unique feature of versatility. They work well as multipurpose tools that can be used on a daily basis. These tools are portable,compact and an essential part of any camping enthusiast backpack. The safety and quality is certainly not compromised during the manufacture of such equipment.
Not only do these multi tools have an exquisite structure but also a foolproof warranty plan. This particular brand believes in building a foundation of trust. Hence, customers come first and are served the best. They provide a lifetime service guarantee which is 25 years of service, being almost equivalent to a Leatherman lifetime warranty. Further, since they hold their clients in such high regard, they ensure that there is no loophole for complaints.
Usually, many people face a lot of resistance while dealing with the guidelines of the warranty agreements. Leatherman is one such brand that will not bother people with questionnaires or extensive feedback surveys. Instead, they work in silence and let their success stories talk.
Any defect or damage reported by the client is taken immediately by the company. They conduct a test run and depending upon the intensity of the problem, they decide on the next step. If the issue is severe and can affect the functioning of the tool, they immediately give a replacement. If the multi tool can get repaired, the in-house technicians work on the device and provide fixes in a timely manner. Hence, they believe in the philosophy that no time should get wasted during the repair and maintenance of the tools.
Proof Needed?
They have a pre-requisite while submitting the complaint to their helpdesk. Proof of ownership- bill of the materials should be provided. They require this as proof and are not stringent about the place or the shop from which the tool gets purchased. The whole process is flexible and easy to follow. Their service is exceptional and hence, abiding by their legal contracts and warranty agreements is relatively simple. The repair and maintenance of the concerned tool can get completed within a timeframe of a week to three weeks. The process is completed with focus on timeliness and readiness. So, even if it says weeks, the job can be done in a matter of days depending upon the problem.
So, the question that arises is how do they manage so seamlessly. The leatherman multi tools have a timestamp towards the interior, which includes the month and year of their manufacture. This works as a verification of the authenticity of the tools. The problem the company can face is regarding old multi tools that were retired in the mean time. For old multi tools that no longer are manufactured the company provides a brand new multi tool. These products are usually of the same price as the ones submitted for repair or replacement.
Being clumsy is common, and if you happen to be one among the few who have lost the receipt, do not worry. The leatherman multi tools have the option of filling out a warranty form that is available on the homepage of their site. If you are sure your multi tool is not older than 25 years you can fill an application so you can be fully covered by warranty. Hence, their no questions asked policy comes to great use here.

Hi, I’m Johnny, the chief editor at Svetools.com. Since I was a kid, DIY has been my thing – playing around with all sorts of tools, from power tools to classic wrenches. I started the Svetools blog to share my love for DIY and all things a house Handyman should know. Whether it’s product reviews or essential how-to’s articles, I cover it all. Need assistance or have a question? Hit me up using the details on our contact us page.